Christian Bergauer
Christian Bergauer is a long-standing member of the Section of Law and IT at the Department of the Foundations of Law. His research and teaching is dedicated to the fascinating interface between technology and law, with a particular focus on legal doctrine. In addition to his keen interest in developments in IT law, data protection law and computer criminal law, it is also the technological challenges that draw his attention to legal tech and AI tools and their legal implications.
He particularly enjoys organizing the "Graz Data Protection Talks", which he initiated and which bring together experts from various fields to discuss current data protection law issues.

Selected publications
- Bergauer, Christian; Gosch, Nicole, Lehr- und Handbuch Datenschutzrecht.(2024)
- Bergauer, Die datenschutzrechtliche Rollenverteilung in der (universitären) wissenschaftlichen Forschung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rolle des Verantwortlichen, in Jahnel/Krempelmeier/Schmid (Hrsg), Wissenschaft und Datenschutz (2024)
- Bergauer, Computerstrafrecht, in Kert/Kodek (Hrsg), Das große Handbuch Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (2022)
- Bergauer, Datenschutzrechtliche Überlegungen zur Haushaltsausnahme der DSGVO sowie zum Schutzanliegen des Art 8 GRC, in Faber/Janisch (Hrsg), Festschrift für Peter Mader (2022)
- Bergauer, Der DS-GVO-konforme Einsatz einer „Videofalle“ und einer Wildkamera durch Private an öffentlich zugänglichen sowie privaten Orten, jusIT 2022/25, 63
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected projects
► Graz Data Protection Talks: This project periodically organizes discussion rounds, lectures and conferences on current data protection issues. The content is based on the link between the theory and practice of European and national data protection law. The Graz Data Protection Talks serve both the professional exchange between experts and the information of the general public interested in data protection.