David Bierbauer
As a legal scholar at the Section of Law and IT, David Bierbauer's research and teaching focuses on fundamental questions of technology regulation, constitutional aspects of new technologies as well as data protection law in general. He was notably shaped by his time as a programmer during which he developed a great passion for technological innovations. This has proven particularly valuable in his work in the legal sciences and allows him to see issues not only through the "legal lens". He is also committed to the international impact of his research, as he demonstrates through his busy attendance of conferences alongside research stays abroad. Before working at the University of Graz, he was a lawyer at Schönherr Rechtsanwälte in the department "Technology and Digitalisation" and a research assistant at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna.

Selected publications
- Disclosure of data while preserving privacy: Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC) as a solution to the contradiction?, Austrian Law Journal (ALJ) 2023, 1
- Data protection principles in the development of artificial intelligence, in: Jahnel (ed.), Datenschutzrecht. Yearbook 2021
- Arbitrariness and reasonableness review in the case law of the highest courts, SPWR 2021, 9
- COVID-19: Fundamental rights dogmatics in the crisis?, ZTR 2021/2
- Data protection law dimensions of blockchain technology, in: Piska/Völkel (eds.), Blockchain Rules
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected projects
►LA - Learning Analytics:
Students generate a wide range of different data that is available to universities. As part of the project, this data is processed in such a way that it can be directly reported back to students. The tools developed can help students to optimize their learning behavior and thus better manage their studies. This increases studyability and the university is perceived more strongly as a supportive place of learning. The focus is on evidence-based learning support and intervention, whereby learning content and paths can be adapted to the needs of the students - supplemented by individual support and feedback for all student groups in different teaching settings. The project is being implemented under the leadership of TU Graz together with the University of Graz and the University of Vienna.