Bernhard Gollob
Bernhard Gollob is university assistant in Professor Ziegerhofer's department. He researches and teaches primarily on issues relating to the development of constitutional law and public international law from 1918 onwards.
His PhD project focuses on the the system of Austrian consular jurisdiction in the interwar period. Developments in constitutional and international law are just as important as foreign policy and geopolitics. Perspectives of postcolonialism and legal imperialism have to be taken into account as well. His teaching activities currently include the course "The Austrian Constitution 1918-1955: Between Fascism and Democracy" and an introductory course.
Bernhard studied law at the University of Graz and international relations at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. He completed the latter with two degrees and distinction. Guest research stays led him to the Université Catholique de Lyon and at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.
He is co-founder of the UN campaign "Orange the World" in Austria and was one of its main responsible persons for around six years.
Selected publications
Gollob, Drunkenness in the Imperial and Royal Army. Heer: Eine rechtshistorische Analyse im Lichte von Fallstudien ab 1900. In: Gerhard Ammerer, Thomas Olechowski (eds.), Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs. Journal of the Commission for the Legal History of Austria of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 13,2. 2023. 164-193.
Gollob, Austria and Artistic Freedom: A Troubled History? In: Jaromir Tauchen, David Kolumber (eds.), Edge of Tomorrow: The Next Generation of Legal Historians and Romanists. Brno. Masaryk University Press. 2022. 141-160.
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected lectures
► Gollob, Die Wiedereinführung der österreichischen Konsulargerichtsbarkeit in der Zwischenkriegszeit: Eine Frage der Rechtssicherheit oder des zeittypischen (post)kolonialen Denkens? 2nd Conference of the Young Network Legal History: "Rechtssicherheit im Wandel der Zeit". University of Vienna, Vienna, 21.06.2024.
► Gollob, The Austrian Foreign Ministry and the "Amtsweg": Structural and Institutional Implications of Primary Sources. The Forgotten Photo Album: Uncovering the Global Stories Behind the Portraits of Austria-Hungary's Consular Diplomats. EUI Florence/CEU Vienna, Vienna, 11.04.2024.
► Gollob, The Jurisdictional Competences of Austrian Consuls in Interwar Egypt: The Perpetuation of an Imperial(istic) System? EuroNotos 2: Rethinking Classics (and Beyond) in Southeastern Perspective. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 22.03.2024.
► Gollob, The Austrian Consular Court System between 1923/29 and 1938: "Completely Useless?" Des Fonctions Judiciaires des Consuls aux Tribunaux Consulaires (XIIe - XXe Siècle) | Consular Jurisdiction: On the History of the Judicial Functions of Consulates (12th-20th Century). University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 03.11.2023.