Christian Hiebaum
Christian Hiebaum teaches philosophy of law and social philosophy as well as sociology of law. His research focuses on analytical and normative problems of the theory of justice, equality, the common good, fundamental rights and democracy, and thus the foundations of legal policy. In this context, he also deals with animal, environmental and climate ethics and with forms of persuasion in law and politics.
Selected publications
Christian Hiebaum (ed.): Handbook for the Common Good. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2022
Peter Koller/Christian Hiebaum (eds.): Jürgen Habermas: Facticity and Validity. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2016
Jean-Christophe Merle/Luc Foisneau/Christian Hiebaum/Juan Carlos Velasco (eds.): Spheres of Global Justice Volume 1: Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy. Political Participation, Minorities and Migrations. Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London: Springer 2013.
Christian Hiebaum: Justice Cosmopolitanism and Democracy. Austrian Law Journal 1 (2021), 58-78
Christian Hiebaum: Distributions, Relations, and Justifications: Mixing Flavors of Egalitarianism. In Ester Herlin-Karnell/Matthias Klatt (eds.): Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020, 73-101
Christian Hiebaum: Three Ways to Believe in the Market. In Richard Sturn/Nenad Pantelic (eds.): Trusting the Market? Contributions to the Deep Structure of Neoliberal Regulation. Marburg: Metropolis 2019, 39-72
Christian Hiebaum: Egalitarianism. In James D. Wright (ed.): International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol. 7, Oxford: Elsevier 2015, 308-314
Christian Hiebaum: Correcting individual decisions between paternalism and collective action. Normative and institutional fundamental questions of economics, Jahrbuch 12 (2013), 119-138
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected projects
► Learning analytics - students in focus, 2020-2024
► Market-fundamentalist argumentation patterns and their persistent influence on economic and legal policy, 2015-2017
► Research Training Network "Applied Global Justice", 2002-2006