Agnieszka Kacprzak
Agnieszka Kacprzak is a Professor of Roman Law at the Kazimierz Pulawski University of Radom (Poland). Since being granted a teaching license in Roman Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz in 2014, she has regularly held courses and seminars on Roman Law, methodology and practice of academic work as well as rhetoric and law as an external lecturer. She is the spokesperson for the specialization focus "Applicable Private Law in the Mirror of Time", which examines the reasons for the differences between the most important European civil law institutions in the history of European legal thought from Roman law through the Middle Ages to the codification period.
Her research focuses on legal argumentation methods and comparative law, both synchronously (ancient legal systems of the Mediterranean region) and diachronically.
Selected publications
A. Kacprzak, La 'ratihabitio' nel diritto romano classico [= Diaphora X], Napoli 2002, 192 pp.
A. Kacprzak, Tra logica e giurisprudenza. L'argumentum a simili alla luce dei Topici di Cicerone [= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement XVII], Varsavia 2012, XIII + 378 pp.
A. Kacprzak, Rhetoric and Roman law, in: C. Ando, P. Du Plessis, K. Tuori (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Roman Law, Oxford 2016, pp. 200-213
A. Kacprzak, Servus ex libera natus. Reflections on the Senatusconsultum Claudianum, in: I. Fischer, D. Feichtinger (eds.), Sexuality and Slavery, Münster 2018, pp. 63-82
A. Kacprzak, La regola pacta sunt servanda e la nascita della libertà contrattuale, in: Zeszyty Prawnicze UKSW 11.1 (2019), pp. 203-240
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz