Evelyn Höbenreich
Evelyn Höbenreich is a lawyer (Dr. iuris utriusque) and habilitated in "Roman Law". She is head of the Section of the same name. The Italian Constitutional Court has awarded her first monograph as part of an intercontinental competition (Premio Boulvert). Her career is marked by many years of research stays abroad, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Science Fund (three times), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (twice) and the CNR. In Morocco, she was coordinator of an EU pilot project (women's and human rights). She was a visiting professor in Bilbao (Spain). With strong international participation, she and a compact team in Graz promote cross-sectional thinking (antiquity, gender, law) in a research series in several foreign languages. In her own studies, she pays attention to breaks rather than continuities, diversity rather than symmetry. Looking at neglected areas such as rhetoric leads her to insights beyond the 'classical' canon.
You can find more information about Evelyn Höbenreich here: Curriculum Vitae (in tabular form)
Publications in the Leda series
Selected publications
- Images du mariage romain, idéologies et luttes sociales en Europe, du XIXe siècle jusqu'au début du XXe, in: Revue historique de droit français et étranger (= RHD) (4e sér.) 93/1 (2015), 1-16; ISSN: 0035-3280
- Marginalia on Morals, Rhetoric, and Law. Apropos Sen. contr. 2.7, in: Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité (= RIDA) (3e sér.) 62 (2015), 263-288; ISSN: 2953-0512
- Marianne Weber's "Wife and Mother in the Development of Law". Relationship models between Roman law and German codification, Lecce 2018, 365 pages; ISBN: 9-788869-94-1597
- Res Gestae Divi Augusti 34,1. on the constitution in ancient Rome, in: Austrian Law Journal (= ALJ) 9 (2022), 11-27
- Legal status of women, in: Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts 1 (ed. U. Babusiaux et al.), Tübingen 2023, 741-767; ISBN: 978-3-16-152359-5
List of publications by Evelyn Höbenreich.
Here you can find a longlist of Evelyn Höbenreich's lectures.
Selected projects
► Marianne Weber's book project "Wife and Mother in the Development of Law", completed in 2018, gives rise to a symposium: "What remained of Marianne (and Max) Weber?" (working title). The results achieved and reactions in the specialist world call for a distanced examination. The aim is to engage in cross-disciplinary discussions with scholars from Germany, England, Italy and Austria that go beyond the topics covered. The contemporary impact and after-effects of Marianne Weber's most important work will be discussed in an anthology.
► The following volumes of the Leda series are in print or in preparation:
- In memory of Gunter Wesener. Schriften zu seinem 90. Geburtstag (ed. E. Höbenreich, M. Peinhopf), (Collezione Leda 12) (250 pages, to be published in 2023) (including a contribution by E. Höbenreich, Latina leguntur. Legal knowledge in Rome)
- E. Höbenreich, Vermischte Schriften zum römischen Strafrecht, (Collezione Leda 13) (200 pages, to be published in 2023)
► Book publication (with M. Peinhopf), Ius in Sophistopolis (working title)
The project is a building block in the research program "Antropologia del Mondo Antico" of the group around Maurizio Bettini (Siena, Berkeley), which effectively stimulates dialogues between lawyers and philologists. It continues the Graz Leda series with a further volume, in which M. Lentano, Retorica e diritto. Per una lettura giuridica della declamazione latina (Collezione Leda 11), Lecce 2023², has just been published.