Marlene Peinhopf
Marlene Peinhopf's research focuses on Roman civil and criminal law as well as criminal procedure in the Republic and the Principate, on the interactions between law and rhetoric in antiquity and on the use of Greek terms in the Digest. Particular attention is paid to gender and diversity-specific aspects in all topics; Peinhopf's dissertation deals with the female prototypes of venefica, adultera and meretrix. Marlene Peinhopf translates academic essays and monographs into German, Italian and English and is co-editor of the Leda series. In addition to Roman law in all its facets (e.g. obligations, family and inheritance law; ancient moot courts), she also teaches Latin to law students. She has completed research and teaching stays in Milan, Rome and Innsbruck and regularly takes part in international conferences. She is currently responsible for the project "I.U.S. - Interaction Universities Schools. Roman law beyond science".
Selected publications
"Mujeres entre derecho y retórica en Roma antiguaʺ, in: Höbenreich, E. / Kühne, V. / Lamberti, F. (eds.), El Cisne II. Violencia, proceso y discurso sobre género, Lecce 2012, 279-294
Dictionary of legal terminological differences between Austria and Germany (together with Rudolf Muhr), Frankfurt am Main 2015
"Female unchastity as a male problem? On similarities between theology and jurisprudenceʺ (together with Anneliese Felber), in: Fischer, I. (ed.) Genderforschung vernetzt, Graz 2016, 61-90
- "Greed for money in the provinces. Thoughts on the history of the prosecution of crimen repetundarumʺ, in: Bachhiesl, Ch. / Handy, M. et al. (ed.), Gier, Korruption und Machtmissbrauch in der Antike, Vienna 2019, 71-97
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected translations
► De Martino, Francesco, "Ekphrasis and Comedy. The Prosopa", in: Quijada Sagredo, M. / Encinas Reguero M.C. (ed.), Connecting Rhetoric and Attic Drama, Bari 2017, 137-159 [translated from Italian into English]
► Cabezas Cabello, María José, "Die Genesis bei Proba und Eudokiaʺ, in: Lehtipuu, O. / Petersen, S. (ed.), Antike christliche Apokryphen. Marginalized Texts of Early Christianity, Stuttgart 2019, 188-203 [translated from Spanish into German]
► Lincoln, Bruce, Religione, impero e tortura. Il caso della Persia achemenide. Con un poscritto su Abu Ghraib, Lecce 2019 [from English into Italian]