The teaching of the basics
We want our teaching to inspire enthusiasm for the fundamentals of law. The fact that we succeed in this is demonstrated by the teaching prizes that our teaching staff have been awarded several times. In addition to compulsory courses, we offer a wide range of specialization courses that link up with other disciplines, such as Europe as a global player, law-gender diversity, ADR negotiation skills and conflict management. We teach in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs (PELP, Applied Ethics, Global Studies), in the Master's module Peacebuilding and Conflict Transition and in our own continuing education courses (Mediation, Content Fundamentals of Journalism and Media Work). We also combine theory with practice in lecture series, for example on gender and violence or China: Center of Asian and International Gravity. In this way, we broaden the legal perspective so that students can better grasp various dimensions of legal problems and legal institutions.